Volume 22 Issue 2

Effect of Nurture Intervention on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Preterm Neonates: A Randomized Trial for Protocol Standardization

Monica Rita Hendricks, Prakash Amboiram, Mariam OJ, Suman Rao PN


Background: Rapid development in medical technology has increased neonatal survival rates worldwide, but morbidity and quality-of-life concerns continue. Improving the quality of life of neonates and paving the way for healthy neurodevelopment is an urgent need. Though several developmental supportive interventions are administered in the NICU, more studies are required to facilitate evidence-based care.

Aim: To introduce a structured protocol for implementing nurture intervention for preterm neonates in an NICU setting and to compare the neurodevelopmental outcomes between the study and control groups

Materials and Methods: The proposed methodology is a randomized controlled trial. Preterm neonates born between 26 and 34 weeks of gestational age will be enrolled in the study. The estimated sample size is 106. Neonatal neurodevelopment will be assessed during the follow-up at 12 months of corrected age using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)-3-12, and language will be assessed using the Language Evaluation Scale Trivandrum (LEST).

Results and Conclusion: The results of this study can serve as an evidence base and help improve neonatal neurodevelopment.

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