Volume 23 Issue 1

Recurrent Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis: Prenatal Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Counseling

Neha Bhagwati, Sumitra Bachani, Neha Madan, Pratibha Yadav, Baishali Jain


Hydrops fetalis is a rare and fatal clinical condition, with a prevalence of 2 to 6 per 1000 live births. The incidence of immune hydrops fetalis has gradually decreased because of widespread routine immunization of Rh-negative mothers, whereas cases of nonimmune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) are high, that is, of all the hydrops cases, 76% to 87% are of NIHF. Of all the etiologies (ie, cardiovascular anomalies followed by chromosomal, hematological, and structural fetal anomalies), lysosomal storage disorders account for around 1% to 2% of NIHF cases. A detailed workup is recommended for appropriate counseling regarding fetal prognosis and risks of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. We report a case of recurrent hydrops that underwent a stepwise evaluation for the causality.

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