Outcomes of Perinatal Pathology in Neonates of Mothers With Preeclampsia
Abdurayim Shamshievich Arzikulov, Yulduz Gulyamovna Rasul-Zade, Dilnoza Abduraimovna Melieva, Abdikadir Gulyamovich Arzibekov
Background and Aim: Preeclampsia (PE) is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. PE is divided into early-onset PE (EOPE), which necessitates delivery before 34 wk of gestation) and late-onset PE (LOPE), which occurs during or after 34 wk of gestation), and the former leads to adverse outcomes more frequently.
The authors aim to study the health status of neonates born from mothers with EOPE.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at the Maternity Complex No. 1 in Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan. Pregnant women with PE and the birth history of their neonates (n = 112 mother–neonate pairs), were analyzed, including those with EOPE (n = 41) and LOPE (n = 71). The neonates’ Apgar scores were assessed immediately after birth, including their maturity degree (prematurity and hypoxic damage to the central nervous system [CNS]). Anamnestic, general clinical, obstetric–gynecological, instrumental, and laboratory research methods were used.
Results: Hypoxic damage to the central nervous system (82.9%), malnutrition (19.5%), extreme prematurity (4.8%), and perinatal mortality (4.8%) were diagnosed significantly more often. With EOPE (up to 33+6 wk of gestation), the perinatal pathology becomes more severe.
Conclusion: To reduce perinatal complications, it is necessary to identify pregnant women at a high risk of PE and take targeted, and effective preventive measures.
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