Does Oral Administration of 25% Dextrose Reduce Heel Lance Pain in Neonates?
Bhaswati Ghoshal, Soumyadip Paria, Pramita Das, Meghna Siddhanta
Background and Aim: Neonates admitted in the NICU undergo painful procedures. Some pain relief techniques commonly adopted include administration of sucrose solution or 25% dextrose solution orally, breast milk suckling, provision of kangaroo mother care, and facilitated tucking. The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of 25% dextrose as a pain-relieving agent.
Materials and Methods: Totally, 148 stable and alert neonates older than 7 days were divided into 2 groups. The neonates received either 25% dextrose or sterile water as the pain-relieving agent. The neonates were observed during heel lance and Premature Infant Pain Profile-Revised (PIPP-R) score was recorded. Also, changes in oxygen requirement and heart rate were recorded. The cry time was noted. Salivary cortisol level was assessed at 5 and 10 minutes after heel lance.
Results: Although the oral administration of 25% dextrose reduced the cry time and the intensity of facial expression, the increase in oxygen requirement and the rise in heart rate following heel lance did not change. There was no statistically significant change in the salivary cortisol level with the oral administration of oral 25% dextrose. Physiological changes related to acute pain and stress also did not reduce with the administration of 25% dextrose.
Conclusion: Administration of 25% dextrose orally did not reduce pain in neonates who underwent heel lance, as it did not bring about any changes in the physiological parameters of pain and stress.
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