Volume 26 Issue 1

The Role of Cerebroplacental Ratio in Predicting Perinatal Outcomes of Growth-Restricted Fetuses

Shraddha Ganorkar, Shuchi Jain, Manish Jain, Poonam Shivkumar


Background: Changes occur in maternal, placental, and fetal vasculature throughout pregnancy to facilitate fetal growth. Doppler studies help monitor fetal growth, and thus, aid in detecting abnormalities early on.

Aim: To assess the role of cerebroplacental (CP) ratio in predicting perinatal outcome of growth-restricted fetuses

Materials and Methods: Pregnant women at 30 to 34 weeks of gestation were clinically assessed by abdominal palpation and checking symphysiofundal height to detect small for gestational age (SGA) fetuses. Doppler velocimetry was done to determine the CP ratio and confirm fetal growth restriction (FGR). FGR was defined as fetal weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age. A receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve was obtained for the CP ratio. The association between the CP ratio and perinatal outcome was studied using 2 test, P value, odds ratio, and confidence interval. A two-level P value < .05 was considered significant.

Results: Area under the ROC curve for the prediction of perinatal outcome at a sensitivity of 66.7% was 0.979 at a CP ratio cutoff of 1.05, which was statistically significant (P = .0001). SGA fetuses with a CP ratio < 1.05 had a significant increase in perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Conclusion: The CP ratio can be used as a potential Doppler parameter to study fetal growth velocity, and subsequently, the pregnancy outcome.

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